Washing Feet


(Some housekeeping matters first… This is the last of the 2016 Lenten Devotionals. Going forward, I will be posting thoughts on various topics once a week. I encourage you to check back here and become a part of the discussion. Also, it has come to my attention that those who access the blog on their mobile devices have a hard time finding the +Follow button. I realize it takes some effort but it’s there. The benefits of following the blog is that the blog comes to you, in your email, every time I post something. If you are interested in following the blog but don’t want the hassle of looking for that pesky button, comment on this post with your email and I will make sure you get them in your email going forward. Your email will be kept secret and your privacy guarded, I promise. With that said, Happy Easter to all of you, my dear friends. Now read on!)  

Today is Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, if you prefer. I prefer Maundy Thursday myself. This is another one of those holy days leading up to Good Friday and of course, Easter morning. What is Maundy Thursday you ask? It’s the remembrance of what Jesus did for his disciples before instituting the last supper. The word ‘Maundy’ originates from the Middle English word ‘maunde.’ This is related to the Latin ‘mandatum’ which means command or mandate. Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, explained his actions action and encouraged, ‘mandated’ that his disciples do the same for each other (John 13:12-17)

Truth be told, this act of foot washing, now heralded and recognized as one of the most intimate and pivotal moments in Jesus’ life and in his relationship with his disciples, only occurs in John’s gospel. Matthew, Mark and Luke don’t even mention it. Perhaps this is because washing someone’s feet dirtied by walking on dusty roads was a task so menial that even slaves were not required to perform it. In writing their gospels, First Mark, then Matthew and Luke focused on the ‘larger than life’ Jesus who was portrayed in a divine light. But John knew a different side of Jesus and was determined to tell us about it.

Peter knew Jesus, or saw him, as a figure of might and power. One who commands the seas and elements to obey him, drive out demons, and intimidates both the Romans and the Jewish leaders. Judas saw Jesus as a meal ticket and a way to rise to the top of the food chain. The other disciples had their own expectations and saw Jesus as a figure of their own design. But John saw Jesus differently. John saw Jesus for the person he tried to be. John saw the loving, compassionate, humble Jesus, who lowered himself to the point where Peter (who saw the powerful and mighty Jesus) protested such a humiliating, servile act.

What makes Maundy Thursday maundy is that Jesus, according to John, gave his disciples and example to follow and told us to do the same. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that we wash each other’s feet literally. It’s what it represents. It’s what the Christian faith represents. That’s the point of Maundy Thursday.

The Christian faith is all about service, even to the point of humiliation. It’s a faith that asks not ‘what’s in it for me?’ or ‘what have you done for me lately? #JanetJackson. Instead it asks, ‘what have you done for others’ in need lately?’ How do our actions reflect the loving, compassionate, humble Jesus? To be a Christian or a person of faith is to be like Jesus, who sought neither fame nor power, but lived to show others the way to life, freedom and peace. He washed his disciples’ feet for crying out loud! Isn’t it about time that we practice what Jesus practiced ourselves in doing works of justice and works of righteousness? Given the climate of today’s culture and recent politics, this may be hard to grasp and even harder to practice, but this is our Maunde, our Mandatum. Go wash someone’s feet.

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.”

– Francis of Assisi





As we draw to the end of Lent, let’s think about grace. What a wonderful concept. But as with so many great spiritual and relational concepts, it needs further definition to avoid being misunderstood and misapplied. Most people understand grace as an undeserved gift received freely. Grace has even been defined by the clever acronym God’s Redemption At Christ’s Expense. While clever, it has been my experience that this is generally received as personal as opposed to corporal redemption. Not surprising though.

Again, as with so many other spiritual concepts, we have personalized grace to make it more about us than it was meant to be. We understand grace chiefly as something we receive from God, but to what end or purpose? What about what we give to others? You see fullness of grace is not just about receiving for the sake of receiving. It also involves giving. When someone has received grace, and therefore is full of grace, we might say that person is ‘grace filled’ or ‘graceful.’ We generally see that as a good thing. People are called graceful because of the way they carry themselves. I don’t mean aesthetically but relationally. The graceful exude grace. They inspire people by their character, their actions, and their words. In short, they share grace with others.

In these closing days of Lent, Christians are encouraged to meditate upon the meaning of the events celebrated. These events tell us about hope, healing and wholeness, forgiveness, mercy, love and peace… grace. They tell us about Jesus, who understood its power and could not contain it. He had to give it away as if he had no other choice. He could have held it in and kept it to himself. But it’s as though he realized that if he did that, whatever it was that was left in him, would cease to be grace. It would only be some cheap, poor imitation of grace. Something that would mimic grace but ultimately would leave people empty and hollow.

Grace is God’s energy. An energy that heals, renews, revitalizes, and refreshes. We are merely conduits of that energy. The moment we try to hold it in and hoard it, it loses its charge and potency it ceases to be grace. For grace to demonstrate its power, it needs to flow in us and through us. Grace as in the aforementioned love, forgiveness, mercy, compassion, hope, healing and wholeness, must flow in us and through us for it to grow in power. It is not a possession. And if it was, it most certainly is not ours. As always I challenge you. See beyond yourself to the reality of others. God’s grace is not something to be possessed or hoarded but shared. Be graceful.

Forgiveness for Lent


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

A few days from Palm Sunday, heading into Passion Week let’s turn our attention to forgiveness; a necessary and vital component of our existence. Suffice it to say that without forgiveness, we would NEVER experience peace. It is so critical to our survival like food and water that it’s a wonder why we don’t obsess about like we do what we eat or what we drink.

Forgiveness is what makes relationships at its most basic level possible. Hence, one could make a very strong argument that the concept of forgiveness is what made civilization possible. Forgiveness at some level, paved the way for people to look past differences, grievances and conflicts to see the benefits of building communities for protection and mutual profit. Look at what wild animals do. If you’re a lion or lioness, caught in another pride’s territory… it’s kill or be killed. It’s that simple. Understanding strength in numbers, early nomadic tribes became communities, cities, and eventually states.

Admittedly, laws played a huge role in maintaining peace in these communities. But let’s not forget that laws were basically rules of engagement for the sake of protection, even today. So in the bible we read…

“Now suppose two men are fighting, and in the process they accidentally strike a pregnant woman so she gives birth prematurely. If no further injury results, the man who struck the woman must pay the amount of compensation the woman’s husband demands and the judges approve. But if there is further injury, the punishment must match the injury: a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, a bruise for a bruise.” Exodus 21:22-25

The law’s function and purpose is to encourage equanimity, provide protection, and restore balance and justice. It’s need is established by the fact that if left up to our own devices we would extract MORE than an eye or a tooth, inflict MORE than the number of burns, wounds and bruises we suffer. If we were the cause of others’ suffering, the law would protect us from revenge that would leave us with no eyes, no teeth, etc. etc. In short, the law forces us to practice constraint as the wounded and as a perpetrator.

Underlying all of this is forgiveness. The offended must legally forgive the offender beyond the compensation allowed by the law. Imagine what the world would be like without forgiveness even at this, most basic, level. None of us would be here. If we were, we would all be blind and toothless.

But while laws protect us from others and they from us, there are no laws unfortunately that protect us from… ourselves. Isn’t that ironic? There is this assumption that we don’t need protection from ourselves. This is not true. I can understand the difficulty with such laws. How would they even be enforced? Here’s what I’m getting at. People are ugly to each other yes. But some of the worst offense done to a person is what we do to ourselves. We forgive others, but have a hard time forgiving ourselves.

What bothers me sometimes about spirituality is the understanding that it helps us to forgive others. While that is all true, it’s not the complete picture of spirituality. The saying is ‘love your neighbor AS you love yourself.’ This can be taken two ways.

One, it implies that you love yourself already (not narcissistically, but in a ‘healthy self image’ way), in which case, forgiving yourself shouldn’t be a problem apart from the occasional self loathing or criticism. Generally, you are good to yourself and can move on from a minor infraction. Two, you are growing in your love of yourself. So while you’re not quite good at forgiving yourself yet, you’re on your way. Either way, you’re supposed to love yourself, which means forgiving yourself as you forgive others.

What does it mean when you ‘feel’ you can’t accept others’ forgiveness or forgive your self? Well this could mean that you’re really proud of your unworthiness. Declaring that you’re TOO unworthy to receive or accept forgiveness of any kind puts you in a category entirely unto yourself (and others like yourself). This is a very, very special category! Why, there must’ve been only a hundred or so people like you in all of history! It’s an exclusive group so special that forgiveness doesn’t apply to you. Honey/bro, no one is THAT special. Come down from your tower and grace us lowly, humble people with your presence.

There is some sick sense of prestige that comes from thinking we’re so unworthy. No offender is worthy of forgiveness. But it is given so that there may be peace. And when given, the only reasonable and rational response is to accept the grace offered to you. Receiving grace for ourselves is where it starts if we are to ever offer it to others. As we head into Passion week keep in mind that it is forgiveness that we’re after. Forgiveness in our families, our relationships, our politics, our culture, and forgiveness for our… Peace.

Pain & Death


In the last post, We discussed Fear. We touched briefly on what people are generally afraid of; ‘the fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of ridicule, even the fear of not being in fear.’ Let’s define this a little more to help us see the big picture. Fear, as an evolutionary tool of survival, basically kept us from being eaten, mangled, or torn apart by our enemies and wild animals. Fear basically kept us alive. In that vein of thought, I think it would be safe to say that what we’re afraid of is death, literally and metaphorically.

Let’s play a little game. Identify a fear you have, any fear. Then say to yourself; I’m afraid of ‘A’ (your fear) because ‘B’ (what that fear implies). I’m afraid of ‘B’ because of ‘C’. I’m afraid of ‘C’ because ‘D’. You see where this is going. Ride that train of thought. Now, your train may be shorter or longer than others’ but no matter who you are, you will eventually end up where everyone else ends up. At the end of the day fear is a mechanism designed to keep us alive. It’s all about survival, i.e., avoiding death and/or pain at the very least. Getting to the point, isn’t pain/death what we’re all afraid of? Our fear of pain and death manifests in different, and oh so very creative ways, but essentially we’re all trying to avoid pain and death, both literal and metaphorical.

So we turn to faith, religion, and spirituality to calm us and give us peace. But where so many are wrong is in thinking or believing that our faith is there to help us avoid pain and death. This kind of thinking or faith is counterintuitive. The practice of avoidance is not only counterintuitive but also counterproductive. The meatheads at the gym (and I use this term with the utmost respect for meatheads) understand this better than many people of faith. They grunt and sweat the words ‘no pain, no gain.’ So true, so true. If you want to grow and get better, pain is an essential part of the process.

So, Faith is not about avoiding pain and death. It’s about trust to help us overcome our FEAR of pain and death. We pray asking God to help us avoid the pain, or at least take it away when we’re experiencing it. Pain is a part of pleasure as death is a part of life. They’re just different degrees of one experience. For example, the pain that the aforementioned meatheads experience at the gym is real, but is deemed ‘pleasurable’ even desirable, because of the benefits and results they hope to see from it. It’s all the same thing on opposite ends of the experience spectrum.

We expend so much energy in seeking out the ‘pleasurable’ and as much energy if not more, in avoidance of the ‘painful.’ Remember, God never said there would only be sunny days. Into each life a little rain must fall, or sometimes a lot of rain. Sometimes they’re of our own doing, other times as a consequence of others’ doing. Either way, the question is not ‘how do I avoid this cup?’ but ‘what is it that I can learn as I endure it?’

It is human to attempt avoidance of pain and death. But faith teaches us not to avoid the ‘valley.’ It teaches us to trust that we are not alone as we go through it.

Faith teaches us, ‘Fear not, for I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ ‘Yea, ‘tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.’ ‘And lo, I will be with you even unto the end of the age.’ Pain and death comes to everyone. It’s foolishness to think otherwise. We do not have to deal with it alone tho. And that’s the point of having faith.

Conquering Fear


Fear is debilitating. It paralyzes. When we’re afraid we just want to hide, hole ourselves in and do nothing, stay quiet, until the coast is clear. It’s a technique honed over millions of years of evolution designed to keep us from being eaten by lions and tigers and bears (oh my!). Fear was necessary for survival then, but not so much today. But that doesn’t mean it’s not in use in varying degrees today. The lion and tigers and bears are not literal, but they’re still there in many shapes.

For some, fear is an equal opportunity reason that keeps them from doing much at all. It’s the fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of ridicule, even the fear of not being in fear in some weird sort of way. It’s the Swiss knife of reasons why we are stuck. But it torments us because we know that if we sit and do nothing we will die. And just like anything else, when fear is all we know, we become comfortable with it, even miss it when it’s gone. Some even resist the push to overcome fear and push back because they simply aren’t ready to challenge it toward a new future.

How do we conquer our fears? Enter courage. Courage is the antithesis of fear. It takes fear head on and challenges it. But the common misunderstanding people have about courage is thinking that to be courageous is to live without fear. Ask any soldier, police officer, or fire fighter if they do what they do because they have no fear. And they’ll tell you that only fools have no fear; that they do what they do in spite of their fears. Fear is a natural instinct designed to keep us alive. It will never go away. Courage helps us love in spite of it.

King David of the Psalms knew it best when he said ‘Yea, tho I walk through (not around) the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil’. What’s his reason for not fearing evil? Because God is with him. He doesn’t deny the existence of fear. He acknowledges his fear and describes it as ‘the valley of death.’ Direct and to the point, it doesn’t get any worse than that.

Even Jesus was afraid. He prayed the night before he was executed, ‘Father, if it is your will let this cup of suffering pass from me.’ Then he went on to pray, ‘but let not my will, but your will be done.’ Jesus didn’t want to die. But he was willing to walk through that valley, because he knew he was not alone.

What do we get from these examples? One, to overcome and conquer our fears, we need support. We need to know that we’re not alone. Nothing is as gratifying as knowing that someone is aware of our situation and that he will be with us as we work to overcome our fears. And that’s what faith is; trusting that we are not alone. I’m not speaking of faith on a spiritual level exclusively, but faith on all levels. Human relationships, spiritual relationships, it doesn’t matter, when we believe we are not alone we can take any hill, and conquer any foe. Ask any soldier of war, a police officer, a fire fighter, and they’ll tell you they do what they do because they know they’re not alone.

One of my favorite movies is The Shawshank Redemption. There’s a scene in that movie where the main character Andy Dufresne, plays a duet aria from Mozart’s opera ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ over the prison PA system. For his offense, he was given two weeks in solitary confinement. This is the conversation in the scene after.

Heywood: Couldn’t play somethin’ good, huh? Hank Williams?

Andy: They broke the door down before I could take requests.

Floyd: Was it worth two weeks in the hole?

Andy: Easiest time I ever did.

Heywood: No such thing as easy time in the hole. A week seems like a year.

Andy: I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company. Hardly felt the time at all.

Red: Oh, they let you tote that record player down there, huh? I could’a swore they confiscated that stuff.

Andy: (taps his heart, his head) The music was here…and here. That’s the one thing they can’t confiscate, not ever. That’s the beauty of it. Haven’t you ever felt that way about music, Red?

There’s the rub. It’s in the head and it’s in the heart. Fear can’t ever take away our faith in God and in each other.


Back to Lent


Let’s focus on Lent. I’ve kinda strayed away from the purpose of these ‘Lenten Devotionals’ and gone theological rogue. My bad! As we began our Lenten journey together, the focus was on giving up our lives rather than meat on Fridays, or smoking or chocolate. Although there are a myriad of reasons why you should give the up, Lent isn’t one of them. The focus of Lent is not just about improving ourselves spiritually, but doing that for the sake of living meaningfully because of this improvement. It’s very important that we understand this. The Christian life, and to that I may add spirituality in general, is not about self-preservation, but expending ourselves for the sake of others. It’s not about prosperity but poverty, not success but significance.

This is not what you hear in the airwaves though. And it can be confusing to many people who are genuinely serious about their faith and spirituality. What you hear are things like ‘God will bless you, God wants you to have material wealth, God will give you your heart’s desires,’ etc, etc. if you follow certain steps to victory in faith! What a load of crap. And yet many people believe this mainly because they haven’t been taught any different. Honestly, can you see Jesus flying around the world to rallies in a $63 million private jet if he was here today? Who are these people?? Who do they think they are?? The Pope, the Dalai Lama, they don’t own jets for crying out loud.  They do what most ordinary people do.  They fly commercially. Mother Teresa? Gandhi? They wouldn’t be caught dead on a private jet. But these ‘Christian evangelists’ do all this and more in the name of Jesus, the Humble King. Not so humble are they?

Listen to what Jesus said, “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. (John 15:18-20 New Living Translation)

Perhaps people listen to the message of blessing and prosperity because that kind of message is a pleasant alternative to this, the true message. Jesus is reminding us that if we live as he did, (as disciples are supposed to) we will come under heavy fire because His way is not the world’s way. That’s a hard pill to swallow for most in this day and age of plenty. So what does the life of a disciple look like in our world today?

Theologian H. Richard Niebuhr wrote a little book titled ‘Christ and Culture’ back in 1951 and in it, he outlines a perspective called ‘Christ the Transformer of Culture.’ In practice, disciples of Jesus, work in the culture for its improvement by sharing the gospel of hope, healing and wholeness. This is a simple, yet effective way to live our lives. We don’t hit people over the head with a bible or any other holy relic. We love them with the love of Jesus. The best part of this is, one does not even have to be a professing Christian to do this. Jesus gave us the blueprint for the Kingdom of God here on earth, a place where, the widow and orphan, both literally and figuratively, will not be forgotten, where the powerless will be lifted up, the voiceless will be heard, the blind will see, and the oppressed set free. This is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, our rudder in this life.

Leave your comments below. I’d like to know what you’re thinking, or just that you are.

Knowledge & Faith


From the last blog post, ‘Faith is not about Seeing then believing, it’s really the other way around. It’s about Believing then seeing.’

It is not true that we need evidence and proof before we consent to believing, let alone trusting, in something or someone. As a therapist I see this in couples whose trust has been compromised or broken. One will say ‘I need proof or evidence before I can trust again.’ As logical and as reasonable as that proposition may appear, you can place that statement right behind the Chupacabra and the Sasquatch, in the parade of ‘Ridiculous things people believe even when there is absolutely no evidence, or when the only evidence works to negate such a belief.’  In the end, it is not evidence that convinces us, it is hope.

Have you ever experienced such a phenomenon? There are people who believe in something so strongly that it doesn’t matter what anyone says, nothing will sway them in their belief. I find that perturbing don’t you? Well, you should! Haha! Faith, whether it’s trust or mental assent, sometimes defies logic and reason. Blaise Pascal, the well-known 17th cent. mathematician said, ‘The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.”

We ‘believe’ in our children when they have done nothing to instill such confidence in us. We ‘trust’ those who hurt us again and again, because we desperately long for the kind of relationship we envy in others. More often than not, we ignore our doubts, put aside the reasons, suspend our judgment and embrace things that do not make any sense, not because we have evidence but in spite of its absence.

Most Christians erroneously think that faith is based on knowledge. It is not. The truth is we don’t know very much about the Bible, if we know anything at all. But if our faith and spirituality were based on evidence or facts, it would cease to be faith and become a branch of science.  Pascal, in the same breath as the quote above also said, ‘and it is the heart that knows God, not reason.’

Don’t think that some Christians haven’t tried to quantify spirituality. They have and failed, just as scientists have tried and failed to quantify. Spirituality is just not quantifiable. How do you place a value or a position on love? How much do you love your spouse, or child, or pet? We can’t quantify our love, we can only qualify it.  We believe in someone or something not because of the overwhelming evidence telling us it’s safe to believe. We believe because it gives us hope.

Have you ever heard anyone give a definitive quantifiable answer to the question ‘Does God exist?’ Some claim they can but they don’t know what they’re talking about. Stay away from such people.  Like anybody else, they can only qualify their answer, as is their prerogative, by merely saying that they do or do not believe. But the popular Christian position is that anyone who is uncertain of his commitment to these unquantifiable assertions is weak in his faith, faithless. In this culture, doubt is synonymous with weakness.

But doubt is not weakness. It is a natural part of having faith. The nature of faith, (pistis), is that we hope for or trust in, God. We don’t believe in God because we know he’s there. No one knows that, even if some vehemently claim that they do. We believe in God hoping and trusting that he is there, in spite of our doubts and fears.

There was a man once who came to Jesus for the healing of his son who was epileptic (Mark says he was demon possessed because he didn’t know that epilepsy was a medical condition, Mk 9:14-29). When Jesus’ disciples couldn’t help the young man, Jesus became frustrated and ordered the boy to be brought to him. The father cried,
“Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.”
“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”
The father instantly cried out, “I believe, help thou my unbelief!”

It’s the need, desperation, and desire of hope, from which faith is born. In a chaotic world where hope is rare, faith gives us a taste of it. Some search for hope in money and possessions, some in their posterity, some in science, while others search for it in God. In trust, we look to God that we will be given more than a taste but a banquet table’s worth of hope. That’s why we believe.

Seeing and Believing: Blessed are those who have not seen…


The thing that I think most people get wrong about faith is the part about believing. Most people think believing has all to do with acknowledging something’s or someone’s existence. For example, according to pewresearch.org about 90% of Americans believe in God. Additionally, what most people mean by a ‘profession of faith’ is that, not only do they believe in God, but 1. That Jesus is the Son of God, 2. That he came to die for our sins and did so on the cross, and 3. If we believe this event actually took place then our souls will go to heaven after it leaves behind this mortal coil, the stuff altar calls are made of.

But I ask you, what does believing in these assertions have to do salvation? Without trusting that they are true, what does it matter? What people fail to realize, and what churches fail to teach is that, at the end of the day it’s not the veracity of these assertions we are claiming faith in, it is the hope they give us that make us ‘believers.’ And it matters little that they are factual or historical without trust. Faith is not ‘believing in,’ but ‘trusting in’ these assertions.

When the ‘faithful’ begin to doubt in the literality of these assertions and question them, they are, all of a sudden, deemed ‘unfaithful.’ The good news (the gospel of Alec, haha!) is that the historical accuracy of these assertions and our faith, as trust in God, are not mutually inclusive. What that means is, Christian spirituality has very little to do with historical facts, and more to do with the decision to live our lives in imitation (obedience) of Jesus. People get hung up on historicity, because of a popular but erroneous notion that all must be literally true or else our faith is void. That’s just simply not true, and the ‘Christian faithful’ are misled.

No one knows, nor will ever know, and fewer people care, for that matter, whether these events are true. Those who believe them, simply do because they choose to, not because they are ‘true.’ The truth is, we don’t know very much about what actually happened in the life and ministry of Jesus, if we know anything at all.

Perhaps Jesus understood the nature of trust, the basis of all relationships, better than we know; to Thomas who proclaimed “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side”, Jesus said, ‘blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe.’ (John 20:24-29)

Faith is not about Seeing then believing, it’s really the other way around. It’s about Believing then seeing.